Systemic Advocacy Updates

Our systemic advocacy team are regularly working on submissions that champion the voices of lived experience consumers, and share the experiences, insights, and knowledge of our amazing members.
In order to be as transparent as possible, we want to give you an open insight into these amazing pieces and the reform we are pushing for behind the scenes.
Submission: Draft National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy
In February this year, we made a submission on the National Mental Health Commission’s Draft National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy based on input from our members. On the 30th of June, the Commission released their report detailing the main themes emerging from the consultation on the draft, including CoMHWA’s submission. Thank you again for all our members who contributed to this submission; we are looking forward to seeing how this strategy will be implemented to address the stigma and discrimination of mental health in Australia.
Submission: Autism Guidelines
”CoMHWA strongly supports the foundations of Assessment that seek to understand the whole person, including supporting them to make sense of their experience even if they are not diagnosed with autism”
Submission: Reforming Western Australia’s disability legislation Consultation paper
“CoMHWA welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to reform disability legislation in WA.”
Submission: Feedback to the ADHD Inquiry
“On 28 March 2023, the Senate referred an inquiry into the Barriers to consistent, timely and best practice assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and support services for people with ADHD to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee for inquiry and report by 27 September 2023.”
Submission: Consistent Local Planning Schemes Consultation
“The current definition of ‘community purpose’ refers to premises designed for ‘services by organisations involved in activities for community benefit’. We assert that the community benefit of Alcohol and Other Drug rehabilitation services is clearly evidenced, and therefore that the community purpose land use type is the only appropriate category for these services”