CoMHWA Constitution Review 2024

To ensure best governance practice, the CoMHWA Constitution is periodically reviewed by the Board Governance sub-committee.
A Constitution is a set of rules about what an organisation is, who it serves and how it is to be governed. Organisations that have a legal status as an Incorporated Association must have a Constitution.
New Constitutions, and changes to existing Constitutions, are voted on by the Association’s members by Special Resolutions.
Special Resolutions in this paper are going to be put to the vote at the Special General Meeting, to be held 29th May 2024 at the CoMHWA office in Cloverdale. An official notice of SGM will be sent in the near future along with an agenda and guest speaker information.
Once approved by vote of the members, the updated Constitution will come into effect only when it has been submitted to and approved by the Department of Mines, Industry, Regulation and Safety (the Department).
Click here to download the current Constitution with tracked changes.
We invite members to have their say about these changes via a short survey.
Click here to access the summary of changes and survey.
If you have any questions about this process or the changes, please reach out via