Cert IV Mental Health Peer Work Scholarship Applications NOW OPEN!

CoMHWA and WAPSN are excited to announce that scholarship applications are now OPEN! We are pleased to offer up to 30 scholarships to assist with completion of the CHC43515 Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work qualification for 2024.
Scholarships have been generously funded by the WA Mental Health Commission to build capacity of, and contribute to the development, of the WA Peer Workforce.
Scholarships will be awarded for students to undertake the course on campus with North Metro TAFE, Leederville campus for 12 months (2 days per week, commencing late January 2024). There will be full and partial scholarships available.
Come along to our information session!
Join CoMHWA staff, TAFE lecturers and coordinators, and current students to find out about the 2024 scholarship process and if this course is right for you.
Date: Tuesday 24th October
Time: 6pm – 7.30pm
Place: Lecture Theatre near the library, North Metro TAFE, Leederville campus (look for the signs, coming from Oxford Street entrance)
Click here to download the flyer to share with your networks, or put up in your workplace.
How to apply:
Download the Scholarship Information Pack.
Download the Application Form in fillable, Word document format.
Complete your application form and send to us at admin@comhwa.org.au before 5pm, Friday 3rd November 2023.
Late applications will not be considered.
Please read the information pack and application form in full – both documents have been co-designed by past scholarship recipients and we have attempted to answer any questions that you may have about the process.
If you have any queries about this scholarship process, please contact Rebecca or Melissa at CoMHWA on 9258 8911.