Here’s to the End of 2023, and to the Start of 2024

As the sun slowly sets on what has been a wonderful year, we want to send a massive thank you to you, the wonderful rich community of people who make Consumers of Mental Health WA (CoMHWA) what it is. Everyday we are contacted by consumers from all walks of life who are attending our trainings, providing their professional lived experience perspective on our consultations, seeking support through our Advocacy or Peer Pathways teams, or connecting with us through our outreach via programs like Life Launchpad. We have also seen and supported so many Peer Workers in their careers through our work with WA Peer Supporters Network (WAPSN), our CERT IV and Peer Supervision graduates, ASPIRE and skillset students. It is the greatest privilege we have as lived experience Peer Workers that we get the opportunities to strengthen our own community.
The end of the year is a beautiful time to look back at the good times gone, speculate on the good things to come, and to say goodbye to the things left in our wake. We also understand that this time of year can be difficult for consumers, and we want to provide what resources we can to assist people in navigating this period. With that in mind we have put together a list of services open during this time, as well as free events, meals, and places for connection that are open to a wide array of consumers.
How is CoMHWA Operating Over this Period
We want to use this space to inform all of you that we as an organisation will be taking a break during this time, with our offices closing Wednesday the 20th of December at 5pm and re-opening Monday the 8th of January 2024. This is so we can give our Peer Workforce a break and time to connect with their families, friends, and self.
Peer Pathways will be operating a limited service during this time between Thursday 21st December and Friday 5th January, and will be closed on the following days:
- Thursday 21st December (closed from midday)
- Monday 25th December (public holiday)
- Tuesday 26th December (public holiday)
- Monday 1st January (public holiday)
This service will be limited as it is difficult to provide service navigation during a period where most services are closed or running at a limited capacity.
Advice for Consumers During the Holidays
The holidays can be a difficult time for consumers. Financial stress, family politics, isolation, are common challenges people face at this time of the year and there are a thousand ways to manage them. Our best advice is to look inward and connect with yourself. Take the time to stop and reflect on what you need during this time before the holidays begin and think of ways to fulfil those needs. If that means embracing the holidays, or distancing yourself from them, both are powerful ways forward.
Here are some of the ways we have spent our holidays.
- Checking your prescriptions are filled on time, stocking up the pantry with snacks, and saying no to your commitments.
- Spending time with your family of choice and creating a beautiful space for those who have nowhere to be on Christmas.
- Spending time with family and connecting in new ways, embracing peoples lives and finding new depths to your relationships.
- Going for a walk and sitting in your favourite spot in the park for hours reading a book.
- Going for a swim with friends first thing in the morning to centre yourself before the chaos of family events.
All of these are beautiful ways we have spent the holidays in the past, and there are thousands of other ways we as consumers can connect with ourselves and our communities during this time.
Take this time before the holidays to find what you need, and embrace it, as the rest of the world we be back to its same old swing soon enough.
We look forward to seeing all you for an amazing 2024.