Speak up; Be Heard – In Person Training
This interactive session covers the basics of self-advocacy. The purpose of this workshop is to gain your confidence when talking to services or to your supports like your case manager,...
RAP Launch Event
CoMHWA Training Room 14/275 Belmont Avenue, CloverdaleWe are extremely pleased to announce CoMHWA’s first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) has been approved by Reconciliation Australia. Our Reflect RAP touches on our hope for reconciliation that is true...
Intentional Disclosure for Peer Workers – Online Training
This workshop addresses the importance of purposeful lived experience sharing in Peer Work roles and consumer representation. Key elements and aspects of sharing lived experience safely, ethically and effectively considering...
CoMHWA Coffee Morning
CoMHWA Training Room 14/275 Belmont Avenue, CloverdaleJoin CoMHWA staff for a casual morning tea to network with us and fellow members!
Introduction to Peer Group Facilitation – In Person Training
Learn planning and facilitation skills and strategies to facilitate a Peer support group. Find out how to manage difficult and disruptive behaviors while building your confidence in a supportive learning...
Find your Path and Build your Support Team – In Person Training
This workshop builds participants’ confidence to put together a network of services and supports from what is available in a way that best meets individuals’ well-being needs. For bookings and...
Informed Choice: My Medicines and Me – Online Training
This brief online workshop explores the principle of “informed choice” with a focus on individuals’ rights to have choice in their medication and what works for them. It provides helpful...
Communication for Peers – Online Training
Explores styles of communication and the impact on maintaining effective relationships for well-being within the peer support context. For bookings and enquiries please contact admin@comhwa.org.au or (08) 9258 8911 CoMHWA’s...
Intro to Consumer Representative Training – In Person Training
Gain skills in consumer representation, recovery rights, advocacy advisory groups and committee skills, and learn how to use your lived experience of mental health to help others. For bookings and...
What Recovery Framework Works for Me – Online Training
This workshop uses the Mad Studies approach to explore alternative frameworks to the concept of psychiatric diagnoses. If the label of being ‘mentally ill’ does not fit how you see...
Telling your Story Safely – In Person Training
Explore safely revealing parts of your story and sharing your lived experience in such a way that serves your personal purpose. Suitable for anyone with a lived experience of mental...
Introduction to Peer Navigation – Online Training
This interactive workshop builds skills to support individuals to identify, locate and access suitable supports for their wellbeing. Build your confidence to navigate complex systems and learn to draw upon...